September 26, 2021: Because He Loves Us So Much
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths” (Prov. 3:5–6, RSV).
Have you ever wondered what or who specifically helps us survive? In the story of Elijah and the ravens, King Ahab chases Elijah to kill him. God sends Elijah to a nearby brook, and He commands ravens to feed exhausted Elijah and provide water to quench his thirst.
When God’s people wandered in the wilderness, they whined and fussed about having to walk for 40 years in the desert, but God still cared for them. Their clothes didn’t wear out, and their feet did not swell. He provided manna, quail and sweet water so that they had food to eat and drink. He guided them with the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.
In the story of Elijah and the widow, God provided flour and oil in the middle of a drought because of her faith.
In the story of Jesus’ birth, God provided salvation to all mankind because He loves us so much. Even though we are disobedient to Him, He still has those arms open, inviting everyone to come back to Him. When we think everything is about to fall apart, He is right there, giving us just what we need to survive in this world.
Father in Heaven, thank You for everything You give us to survive. Without You, we would not exist, period. Help us to trust You more. Amen.
Najely Zuniga is a seventh-grader at the Harrisburg Adventist School in Pennsylvania.