September 20, 2021: A Faithful Walk
“For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7, NKJV).
This may look like a simple verse. It contains only eight words, but certain carefully-chosen words put together can be very powerful. “We walk by faith” means we can’t get through life alone. We choose to follow God and live for Him. The earth is not all sunshine and rainbows; it’s also filled with sin and mistakes. Sin is our natural instinct, and we don’t always mess up on purpose. But if we do mess up, we trust that God will lead us back to the right path after getting lost in our temptations.
If we choose to live a life led by what we see, we wouldn’t have hope, we wouldn’t be happy and we wouldn’t have a purpose. Living a life by sight makes us blind and invites death and distractions.
God told Noah to build an ark, and by faith he did. Blinded by the fact the community had never seen rain before, they did not allow God to open their eyes to see the bigger picture. Faith makes us strong—stronger than we could ever be on our own. Faith gives us hope.
Lord, when we are tempted to see life through our eyes, may we walk by faith. Amen.
Megan Shull is a freshman at Spring Valley Academy in Ohio.