October 5, 2021: A Message From God—Your Creator
“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well” (Ps. 139:14, NKJV).
Dear Child,
You delight me! I love you because I made you! I crafted you as my masterpiece. Every fabric of your being was meticulously made by Me. You are beautiful and priceless, because My hands create masterpieces.
My child, you worry too much about vanity and earthly possessions, but I am coming back to make you new—to fully restore you. Therefore, why do these things matter? Let go of your worldly worries for a moment and bask in My precious presence. I created you to enjoy My peace, My joy, My love!
No matter how unsteady your emotions are right now, My love for you is constant. Because of sin, your emotions tend to blur your vision of who I made you to be and how valuable you are to Me. Read Psalm 139:14 again and again to remind yourself that I created you and am at work in your life. Do not allow your emotions or feelings to alter your perspective of who I truly am, who you truly are designed to be and what I have truly done for you.
Keep in mind that everyone is My creation. Let me continue to do the marvelous in your life by allowing Me to be your Master, Friend, Teacher, Father and Creator.
I Love You!
Your Maker and Forever Friend, God
God, thank You for the Bible—Your love letter to us. Amen.
Ava Gruia is an eighth-grader at Spring Valley Academy in Ohio.
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