October 23, 2021: He Delivers Us
“The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them” (Ps. 34:7, NKJV).
This verse is so powerful because it reminds us that God is always ready to deliver us, and that we have no reason to be afraid. In my personal experience, I found Psalms 34:7 to be true.
A few years ago, my house caught on fire. My family was at church when it happened, so luckily no one was injured. One of our friends, however, was living with us at the time. She stayed home that Sabbath to watch a couple of baby birds we had found the day before.
God was definitely looking out for her, because she was on a walk with one of our dogs when the fire started. However, our two other dogs were still in the house. When my friend got home, thankfully she was able to retrieve them unscathed. Our church was far away from my house, so my family and I returned after the fireman put the fire out.
At first, I was very sad about losing my house to a fire, but looking back, I see it as a blessing. My new house is closer to my school, so now I can take extracurricular classes. If I still would’ve lived at my old house, I probably wouldn’t have been able to take advantage of this opportunity. I guess it’s true when people say that God works in mysterious ways.
Lord, help us to see the good in situations, even when they might seem bad at the time. Help us to trust You, and thank You for protecting us. Amen.
Emily Dekle is a sophomore at Blue Mountain Academy in Pennsylvania.
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