November 5, 2021: Everything Happens for a Purpose
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jer. 29:11, NIV).
I was 2-years-old when part of my finger was cut off. My parents had a boat, and I loved to play on it whenever my dad was working in the house. I was playing one day, when I suddenly fell off, and my finger got stuck in the motor. My dad rushed me to the hospital. My life hasn’t been the same since.
It has been hard growing up without part of my finger. I’ve gotten bullied, and, at times, no one has liked me. But then something amazing happened. After this accident, my parents got closer to God, and we started going to church. It was the first church I went to, and I made true friends—one of which became my best friend. Nobody made fun of my finger there. They were all nice to me.
I love going to church and look forward to it because I can see all my friends every week and because I can learn about God and get closer to Him. Church is my happy place. In fact, getting my finger cut off was worth it because it led my family to God.
Dear God, thank You for thinking ahead and making plans for us. Everything that happens is for a purpose. Your purpose. Amen.
Sofia Segura is a sixth-grader at the Manassas Adventist Preparatory School in Virginia.