November 4, 2021: My Angel at the Beach
“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them” (Ps. 34:7, NIV).
I was living in St. Croix, the U.S. Virgin Islands, with my wife, Marlene, and baby daughter, Priscilla. Two of my wife’s siblings, Ruven and Beth, were visiting, and we went to the beach, which was noticeably empty.
In the afternoon, Ruven, Beth and I went into the water. Shortly after, an undertow began to pull us out to sea. Ruven and Beth held onto their floats and made it back to shore. I, thinking I’d be able to stand, jumped off the float. Fear overwhelmed me as I realized the undercurrent had dragged me close to the 1,000-foot drop, famous for its scuba diving.
I began to drown. Down and up. Back down again, and up. As my life flashed before my eyes, I prayed, “Lord, please send someone to save me.” Understanding that maybe God had other plans, I left it in His hands.
As I was drowning, my wife and family, unable to help, saw a couple on the beach. My wife cried out, “Save my husband!” Immediately, the man jumped into the water to rescue me.
With my last breath of air, I shouted in faith, “Save me!”
Suddenly, someone grabbed me out of nowhere and pulled me to shore. I began coughing up water and breathing again. My wife turned to thank the gentleman who had rescued me.
No man. No woman. No footprints.
God had sent an angel to deliver me. He had a plan for my life. Two years later, that plan was fulfilled in the form of my baby boy, Ricardo.
Thank You, God, for saving me time and time again. Amen.
Gerald Bacchus is a member of the New Hope church in Maryland.