November 11, 2021: A Book in Jesus’ Library
“Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written” (John 21:25, NIV).
When I first read this verse, I wondered, “How can the entire earth not hold enough books to list Jesus’ works?” I volunteer as an assistant librarian at my church, and we have over 3,750 books. Whether missionary stories, biographies, nature lessons, Bible stories or doctrinal beliefs, all of the books ultimately point to God and what He has accomplished. If one small library can contain so much information about Jesus, think of how much a world library could contain!
Then I thought of Jesus’ work of creation. Being in the solitude of the woods or the grandeur of the mountains reminds me of Jesus and how much larger He is than I can comprehend. Nature’s sheer variety and complexity of minerals, plants, marine life, birds and mammals, and how they all communicate with each other never ceases to amaze me. The precision of cells and organs perfectly interacting to form a living human being testifies of a Master Designer who fashioned and cares about us. These topics would fill countless volumes.
Jesus is not only our Creator but also our Redeemer. He wants to write His law on our hearts and remove our sins. We can demonstrate a life changed by Christ working in us through the power of the Holy Spirit. We can be books in Jesus’ library.
Lord, please write your character in my heart so I may be an example and a book for You. Amen.
Caleb Palmer is a member of the Centerville church in Ohio.
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