December 9, 2021: Our Comforter
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” (Ps. 119:105, KJV).
In the movie The Sound of Music, Maria sings “My Favorite Things” to the von Trapp children to comfort them during a thunderstorm. She tells them that whenever she’s scared or upset, she simply sings about things that bring her comfort and joy. I figure if she can sing about “raindrops on roses,” then I should be able to use Scripture to do the same thing.
Set to this song’s tune, this is “My Favorite Things: The Christian Version.”
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
No weapon that’s formed against me shall harm.
Be anxious for nothing, and in all things pray.
Trust in the Lord that He’ll make a way.
He’s my strong tower and He’s my defense.
His angels around me, protect like a fence.
Casting my cares upon Him I know,
He died for my sins ’cause He loves me so.
All things they work together for good,
To them who love and are called by the Lord.
If God be for us, who can be against?
The battle’s not ours, but it’s His to win.
When the new is bad,
When the lion roars,
When I’m feeling scared,
I simply recite some of my favorite texts, and realize that God is near.
God, may Your words comfort me during times of distress. Amen.
K. L. Watkins is the principal of the Sharon Temple Adventist School in Delaware.