December 12, 2021: Light of Salvation
“Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105, NKJV).
It seems as if the jungle, the mountains and rural areas are favorite destinations to send new ministers. I was no exception. My first district was in the deep forest of Nicaragua, surrounded by rushing rivers and deep lagoons. Our congregations resided in small communities nestled around these lagoons. Ninety percent of travel between them was by river, so we used an outboard motorboat to carry out pastoral work.
Although it was not advisable to sail at night in those areas, sometimes the work required it. This was the case during one of our pastoral visits. A powerful storm overtook us and darkened the route much earlier than we expected. There was no moon, no stars, no lamps or anything that could help us see in the middle of the dense and dark night.
Oh, how we needed light! At times, thunder and lightning brightened the way momentarily, enabling us to advance. Suddenly, the engine stopped. For a few seconds, we were silent and perplexed. Why was this happening to us now? I thought. Instantly, a powerful lightning bolt illuminated the entire sky and river, and, to our amazement, we were right in front of a sunken boat jutting out of the water.
God had delivered us from certain death. His light guided us and showed us imminent danger. In the same way, God acts in the midst of this dark world. His words act like those lightning bolts, illuminating our path to give us security and salvation.
Thank You, God, for lighting our path. Amen.
Peter M. Simpson is the coordinator of Hispanic Ministries and director of Global Mission for the Ohio Conference.