Columbia Union Names 2020–2021 Outstanding Educators
This week, the Office of Education announced its 2020-21 Columbia Union Conference Outstanding Educator Awards.
The recipients are nominated by their conference superintendents, associates and local principals for consideration in four categories: outstanding administrator; outstanding secondary educator; outstanding elementary educator; and outstanding early childhood educator (though not awarded this year).
This year’s recipients are:
Outstanding Administrator: Michele Gavin (pictured left), principal and grade 2–3 and 6–7 teacher, Friendship Adventist School and Child Development Center, Chesapeake Conference
Outstanding Elementary Educator: Maxine Forbes-Goulding (pictured right), homeroom grade 3–4 teacher, Waldwick Adventist School, New Jersey Conference
Outstanding Secondary Educator: Timothy Harley (pictured below with Kevin Ruiz), chaplain/religion teacher, Shenandoah Valley Academy, Potomac Conference
“It was not an easy task for the committee to come to [this] final decision,” says Ileana Santa Cruz-Espinosa, associate director of elementary education for the Columbia Union, in an email to educational leaders. “I am convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we have the most professional and committed educators. Their love for Jesus and their students was evident in every one of the documents submitted. I am humbled and privileged to serve such devoted individuals.”
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