Camp Meeting Celebrates Baptisms, Sets 2023 Goal
Story by Kasper Haughton Jr.
This summer, Ohio Conference members gathered for the first in-person English camp meeting since 2019. More than 600 people worshipped and fellowshipped at the Mount Vernon Hill church, as well as under the “big top” tent at Camp Mohaven in Danville—reigniting connections and faith.
Themed “Included in God’s Kingdom!” the highlight of camp meeting was baptisms. “What better way to start camp meeting than with baptisms,” praised Bob Cundiff, conference president, as he stood next to the baptismal pool. “It’s a reminder for us that ... the purpose of church is to do mission!” In total, six people committed their lives to Jesus through baptism.
Cundiff, addressing the conference for the first time in person since taking office during the pandemic, introduced the conference’s new mission plan: Initiative 2023. Voted by the executive committee this year, the bold goal is to see 2,023 new baptisms across the state of Ohio by the time the next constituency meeting rolls around in 2023.
Churches in Ohio are pressing forward with evangelistic ministry in support of Initiative 2023, with 617 people joining the faith this year alone. “We have baptized more people in the first six months of this year than we ever have in an entire year of our conference’s history,” reported Cundiff. “That number [already] puts us at 30 percent toward our goal!”
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