Blue Mountain Academy Class of 2021 Chooses Mission Over Entertainment
Story by Esther Hernandez
“Our senior class didn’t want to do just any class trip; we wanted to serve,” shares Catarina Falcao, a Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) 2021 graduate. “Since we couldn’t go out of the country because of COVID-19, we decided to serve in Florida.”
Students served local Seventh-day Adventist churches and their communities in a variety of ways. “What was really impressive about these BMA students is how they worked in the hot sun to help several churches stripe their parking lots and paint their fencing. They worked fast, accurately and joy- fully, [without complaining], despite a heat index of over 100 degrees,” states Gary Gibbs, Pennsylvania Conference president. “Even more impressive was the morning and evening worships they led. ... I am extremely grateful for the influence BMA is having on young people!”
Graduate Ossie Vidal shares, “It was really a blessing to be able to work and make an impact, not only on the community, but on each of its members individually.”
Principal Burney Culpepper adds, “It is an exciting thing to be a part of a school where students are choosing to experience a mission trip for their senior class trip. I observed the sense of Christian accomplishment that each senior showed as they ministered.”
Visit bma.us to learn how your teen can experience a Christ-centered, Adventist education that will equip them to grow academically and with a service-oriented perspective on the world around them.
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