August 10, 2021: A True Friend
“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor” (Eccl. 4:9, NKJV).
One day, two new girls enrolled at my school. They were surrounded by a crowd of girls who wanted to meet them during recess. As I made my way over, I recognized I had met one of them in church that past Sabbath! We immediately became best friends. We were the only Seventh-day Adventist girls in the entire public school.
I loved my friend. She was funny, happy, smart and kind. After we graduated from eighth grade, we attended different high schools, but still spent every Sabbath together, studying our Sabbath School lessons and enjoying potluck with the youth.
How wonderful that my Father granted me such a friend! We went through joys and heartbreaks together, and she always encouraged me to put my trust in God. I admired her love for Him and observed that, although she loved me as her best friend, Jesus was her “bestest” friend.
The two of us were better than one, because when I fell, she was there to lift me up, and vice versa. When I was spiritually cold, she provided comforting words from Scripture. In tough times, we prayed for each other.
Prior to meeting my friend, Jesus had always been there for both of us. He was the first to delight in our joys and wipe our tears. So now, the three of us formed a threefold cord together.
When Jesus is included in a relationship, that relationship will not easily break. Ask your Father for such a friendship. And, while you wait, be that friend to those around you.
Father, thank You for friends who strengthen us in our walk with You. Amen.
Yolanda Bocanegra is the director of the Adventurers club for the Paterson Temple church in New Jersey.