April 21, 2021: A Clean Slate
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28, NKJV).
In December 2019, I received an email notifying me that I was dismissed from my doctorate program. I had missed several assignments in a particular class that I was taking for the second time. My classes required daily posts and a major paper due every week. Devasted and discouraged, I felt like a failure and did not know what to do. I was overwhelmed with the workload and my daily schedule of being a wife, mom and educator.
I mustered the courage to speak to my advisor, who informed me that I would need to write a letter requesting to be reinstated. She reassured me of reinstatement upon the submission of the letter. Overwhelmed with fear, I hesitated to write the letter.
During this same time, my friends and I started 40 days of prayer and fasting that would conclude in a gathering in Nashville, Tenn. I didn’t mention to them that my doctoral program had ended. In Nashville, I finally confessed the truth about my dilemma and entered into a pact to write my reinstatement letter.
We said our goodbyes and headed to the airport. While waiting to board the plane, I received a text informing me that my school was closing. My mind began to wonder. How will I complete my program? Will I have to begin the doctorate program process all over? How will credits transfer from a school that was closing its doors? While I was worrying, God was working. He allowed me to start a new school without losing any credits, and to pick up from where I left off without any penalty. He gave me a clean slate.
Lord, thank You for working things out according to Your purpose. Amen.
Shemika Campbell is the academic support specialist at Takoma Academy in Maryland.
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