April 14, 2021: The Best of Friends
“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matt. 5:44, NIV).
This verse has made an impact in my life and in my heart. Because of this verse, I try not to have any enemies. I still get upset at times, but in those moments, I hear a still, small voice telling me to love everyone I encounter.
For example, I have a friend whom I didn’t like and she didn’t like me prior to us becoming friends. What was confusing was she didn’t like me because I didn’t like her, and I didn’t like her because she didn’t like me. We had never actually done anything to each other that caused us to dislike one another.
Shortly after Vacation Bible School (VBS) one summer, I went with my mom and brother on a hike where I encountered this girl. At VBS, the leaders had taught us Matthew 5:44, and I was inspired by this verse. So I took the initiative to talk to her. And after clearing everything up, we eventually became the best of friends.
Dear Lord, thank You. Because of You and Your Scriptures I have made the best memories and my forgiveness and love for enemies grows stronger with each chapter I read. Please show the people out there in the world who don’t know what forgiveness is what a tremendous impact it can make in their lives. Amen.
Allyssa Jetter is an eighth-grader at the Manassas Adventist Preparatory School in Virginia.
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