Spencerville Adventist Academy Students Plan for Future at Career Day
Story by Heidi Wetmore
Spencerville Adventist Academy (SAA) recently held its first schoolwide Career Day. “Hosting such an event gives us the chance to provide our students with exposure to a variety of career fields and jobs,” says Tissiana Bowerman, head principal.
Throughout the day, students from Pre-K through high school attended presentations, listened to key- note speakers and visited booth displays. The event provided a deeper understanding of what work entails as they plan for their futures. “Our parents were given the opportunity to be involved with the program,” adds Bowerman. “Students enjoy having their parents’ support and take pride in seeing their parents present.”
Pre-K through third graders learned about what it is like to be a firefighter, chef, florist, police officer and author. Kids in grades 4–8 dressed professionally and attended presentations from a lawyer, graphic designer, cybersecurity professional and author. Sabrina Sawtell, an SAA parent who works in cyber security for Booz Allen Hamilton, presented to this age-group.
High school students learned about the communication field from keynote speaker Jerry Woods, also an SAA parent and a morning show host from WGTS 91.9. Throughout the day students learned about a variety of topics, including marketing, nonprofit management, human resources, applied phsics, public speaking, U.S. Intelligence, entrepreneurship and how to interview for a job. In turn they were able to identify traits and work habits, and were equipped to develop skills necessary for job searches.
At the booth displays, professionals from real estate, dietetics, education, emergency management, naval/ armed forces, accounting and entrepreneurial fields answered questions about their specific careers. SAA parent Cheryl Toscano, a real estate professional, sums up the day: “I was both a presenter and an exhibitor on Career Day, and I was very excited to see the positive response by the students and their true interest in professionalism and furthering their education and career, all while learning secrets to successful interviewing and interaction techniques.”
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