Kettering College Lowers Price for RN to BSN Program
by Lauren Brooks
Kettering College’s online Bachelor of Science in Nursing completion degree track (RN-to-BSN) will roll out a tuition reset beginning January 2021. The tuition for the RN-to-BSN degree will be $325 per credit hour. This reduced tuition combined with Kettering College’s strong academic reputation will allow Kettering College’s online RN-to-BSN program to serve more registered nurses at Kettering Adventist Healthcare and elsewhere, as they continue their education journey to completing a bachelor’s degree.
The RN-to-BSN degree track at Kettering College is designed for working registered nurses who have an associate degree or its equivalent to complete their bachelor's degree. The program is flexible and can be completed in one year, or in up to three years depending on whether the student chooses a full-time or part-time pace of study. Classes begin every semester and are delivered in manageable accelerated seven-week sessions. All coursework is offered online to ensure access to eligible students wanting to pursue a bachelor’s degree.
“We’re lowering our price for this program to be more affordable and confirm our mission of helping our students affirm their higher calling of helping people through health care,” said Adam Brown, dean of students at Kettering College. “By being priced competitively, we believe that students will be able to attend Kettering College and grow academically, professionally, and spiritually.”
Previously, the RN-to-BSN degree track largely served the needs of associate-degreed nurses hired by Kettering Adventist Healthcare, but with a strategic plan for growth, Kettering College and Kettering Adventist Healthcare want to provide more access to eligible registered nurses across the United States who want to complete a bachelor’s degree.
Kettering College’s program is unique as it focuses on whole-person care, is faith-based, and has flexible learning for working adults.
For more information about the online RN-to-BSN degree track or to apply, visit kc.edu/bsnc.
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