God Blesses ‘The Road Back’ to School
by Ashley Boggess
“The Road Back” to Lake Nelson Adventist Academy (LNAA) has been an interesting journey. In March, staff and students had no clue they wouldn’t see each other for nearly six months. But, by God’s grace, they were able to reopen school this fall.
“The Road Back”—the committee formed to place a variety of safeguards and procedures in place—has helped keep students, families, faculty and staff as protected and healthy as possible. Students and staff are slowly adjusting to the new daily routines: tempera- ture checks, frequent sanitizing of hands and surfaces, mask wearing, social distancing, desk guards.
In addition to these security measures, the New Jersey Conference leadership lent them a camp meet- ing tent to serve as an outdoor classroom space. On top of this, a local school donated chairs and bleachers for additional seating for outside learning in nature.
Teachers have worked tirelessly to prepare for the students’ return, both those joining in person and via Zoom. In an effort to ensure virtual students have access to learning, the school purchased additional laptops and other resources.
As God continues to bless and protect, LNAA’s school theme, “It Starts from Within,” is especially fitting, as the year looks different from any other year. Above all, the school is claiming this prayer in these uncertain times: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Ps. 51:10, NIV).
“No matter the challenges we may face or the new routines or instruction changes, they ask for God’s hand to guide the students, families, faculty and staff through the school year and beyond, continually being renewed in Him,” says Principal Elisa Maragoto.
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