Growing Young Adventists Speaker to Visit Ohio
Story by Heidi Shoemaker
Growing Young Adventists (GYA) is a learning journey for local churches and their leaders to help build faith communities that will not only survive but thrive in the years ahead. This initiative is an intergenerational movement which nurtures relationship building and cultural transformation that embraces young people and benefits all generations in the Adventist church.
Benjamin Lundquist, Young Adult Ministries director for the Oregon Conference, is a GYA-certified speaker and will address young adults in Ohio during the “Immersion” weekend at Camp Mohaven in Danville, April 19–21. Lundquist works with local churches and organizations toward adopting and adapting GYA into their culture “to make young adults a part of the DNA at the local church in all aspects, from church planning to the church board,” shares Edward Marton, Ohio Conference Youth Ministries director. “He is passionate about inspiring young adults to become growing followers of Jesus and effective leaders for His cause.”
Immersion attendees and visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the GYA program and understand what it looks like at the local church level. Lundquist will address both young adults and local church leaders on Saturday night and provide an opportunity to listen to young adults firsthand about why they are not presently involved in the church and how that can change. “We want to inspire and immerse young adults in the local church at a grassroots level,” says Marton.
To register for Immersion and for more details, visit ohiosdayouth.org/events/immersion.
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