Tara VinCross to Leave REACH Columbia Union Urban Evangelism School
Tara VinCross, director of the REACH Columbia Union Urban Evangelism School, has accepted a call to be senior pastor of the Azure Hill church in Grand Terrace, Calif.
“Tara has made a valuable contribution in engaging young adults to experience the mission,” says Dave Weigley, Columbia Union Conference president. “Being the founding director of REACH, she has provided excellent leadership in creating a place where young adults can experience experiential learning--a valuable method to engage young adults.”
Frank Bondurant, vice president for Ministries Development at the Columbia Union, adds, “We will sorely miss Tara’s enthusiasm for urban ministry and her driving passion for young adult ministry. She has recruited some very talented and trained leaders who will carry forth the school’s mission and who are already planning for the next cohort beginning in September.”
A search committee to find a new director for the school has already met once and will meet again in the next few weeks, reports Bondurant.
VinCross will assume her new position in California mid-September.
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