Pathfinders Gear Up for Columbia Union Pathfinder Bible Experience
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Thirty-nine Pathfinder teams from across the Columbia Union Conference are busy studying the book of Exodus for the upcoming Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) event March 19. The teams and their sponsors will gather at Allegheny East Conference’s (AEC) Shiloh church in Petersburg, Va., for an afternoon of Bible trivia.
“The PBE program gets our Pathfinders excited about studying the Bible,” says Pam Scheib, Pennsylvania Conference Pathfinder/Adventurer director and Columbia Union Pathfinder/Adventurer coordinator.
Scheib adds that the greatest strength of the program is how it encourages older church members not involved in Pathfinders or youth programs to study the Bible with the youth. She encourages all church members to participate by helping the young people study and attending their events. “I can guarantee that if you haven’t been to a PBE program, you’ll be amazed at how much the Pathfinders have learned through this program,” she adds.
Genny Small Moore, executive coordinator for AEC Pathfinder ministry and event coordinator, reports that 36 teams are competing next week. The teams started studying September 2015 and meet 1-3 times each week to prepare, she adds.
“The PBE is a great way to get them studying the Bible. They have questions like “According to Exodus 11:10, who went with Moses to go before Pharaoh to do wonders?” or “According to the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, pg. 493, name the three Egyptian monarchs during the first 40 years of the life of Moses?” Moore reports.
Teams that made it to the Columbia Union competition answered 90 percent or more of the questions correctly at their conference-level competitions. Likewise, if they answer 90 percent or more of their questions correctly in this round, they will advance to the next round involving Pathfinders from across the North American Division in Prescott, Ariz.
“We wish all 39 teams the best as they continue to study to prepare for the union level [then hopefully] make it to the finals,” says Moore. “Hopefully the Columbia Union will have 36 teams attending [the Arizona event] … stay tuned.”
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