CD Release: Thankful
Gary Nelson, a member of the Allegheny East Conference’s Columbia Community Center church in Columbia, Md., grew up singing in the church. At age 13, Gary and his cousin, Ron Dickerson, taught themselves to play the guitar. Nelson formed a Christian band by age 15. Nelson now runs a full-time music ministry and recently completed his first full CD, titled “Thankful.”
We interviewed Nelson to find out more about the album.
Visitor: What was your inspiration for this album?
Nelson: The Lord brought me through a very dark period in my life and I wanted to do my part in helping to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Visitor: How did producing it impact you or those around you?
Nelson: My good friend Adrian Westney Jr. is my producer, and from that first piece of paper with a list of songs on it to the completion of the project, we saw God at work!
I had no idea how I was going to do a full CD. I prayed about it for a long time and God put Adrian and me together, and in four months working in Adrian’s Studio every Wednesday, we had "Thankful," an 11 song CD! God gets all the Glory! I saw Him do that!
Visitor: What are you most thankful for?
Nelson: Gods love and mercy! My wife, my daughters and my granddaughters!
Visitor: Who do you want the album/your music to reach?
Nelson: As many who are willing to hear Gods Message through song, that
He gave me to play on my guitar and sing about.
Attend the Concert
Attend Nelson’s release concert—Gary Nelson & Friends’ “The Gathering,” October 22, 5:30 p.m., at Columbia Community Center, 7277 Eden Brook Drive, Columbia Md. (Please note Columbia Community church meets in the Cornerstone church.)
Check out the album at garynelsonmusic.ecwid.com or on https://www.facebook.com/garycnelsonmusic/.
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