Does Your Church Have Curb Appeal?
Story by Celeste Ryan Blyden
How brightly does your church shine in the community? Can your neighbors “put a face” with our church name?
Take our interactive quiz below to rate your church or check each statement that applies to your congregation, and identify what areas still need work:
1. We answer the phone using our full name--“Seventh-day Adventist Church,” not “SDA”--so callers know which denomination they’ve contacted.
2. We use the official church logo on all print and electronic letterhead.
3. Our signage—featuring the newest church logo—is placed in a well-lit, easy-to-see location.
4. We provide brochures and other publications about the Adventist church in the lobby.
5. Our website is seeker-friendly: it’s easy to navigate and shares our mission, program information, directions and contact details.
6. We use social media sites (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) to engage friends and visitors.
7. We know our community officials and public servants and they know us. They’ve been invited to our church or school functions, holiday programs and potlucks.
8. We invite neighbors to community events and support other events with sponsorships or our attendance.
9. We maintain contact with public media and often send them event notifications and story ideas.
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