Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Statement: Columbia Union to Study How to Affirm Women in Ministry

Story by Celeste Ryan Blyden

At its spring meeting Sunday, the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee voted two items that will propel the subject of women in ministry to the top of its agenda this year. They are as follows:

“Whereas the North American Division (NAD) leadership has encouraged each union to be intentional in affirming women in ministry,

we vote to establish an ad hoc committee to study the issue of women in ministry and recommend to the Columbia Union Executive Committee how we can be intentional in affirming women in ministry. In addition,

we vote to affirm our previous action requesting the NAD to grant us permission to ordain women in ministry.”

To ensure that these topics remain a priority on its agenda, the executive committee also requested that the ad hoc committee present its report at the next union executive committee meeting.

Between now and then, the ad hoc committee, which will have representation from each of the union’s eight conferences, will work through five terms of reference:

1. Review past history of Columbia Union practice.
2. Review biblical and Spirit of Prophecy mandates regarding the role of women in ministry.
3. Review Columbia Union Conference Bylaws and General Conference/NAD policies.
4. Study and review cultural implications regarding women in ministry.
5. Recommend to Columbia Union Executive Committee appropriate initiatives for supporting women in ministry.

More information will be released following the ad hoc committee’s report to the executive committee on May 17.

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