Union Pathfinders Place in Division-Wide Bible Achievement
By Pamela Scheib
Six qualifying Pathfinder clubs from the Columbia Union recently competed at the Division Level Pathfinder Bible Achievement held in Berrien Springs, Mich. Competitors of the winning union-level competition included the Ohio Conference’s Delaware Discoverers and Columbus Ghanaian, the Pennsylvania Conference’s Harrisburg Diplomats and Reading Hampden Hawks, and Chesapeake Conference’s Spencerville Polar Bears and Triadelphia Sparks.
A total of 45 clubs from the North American Division competed at the division-level competition. The Harrisburg Diplomats, Reading Hampden Hawks, Columbus Ghanaian, and Spencerville Polar Bears all received a first place. The Delaware Discoverers and Triadelphia Sparks received a second place. Congratulations to all of the clubs!
Terry Dodge, Michigan Conference Pathfinder director, is the “author” of this program and the “Quiz Master” at this level. The division-level competition is hosted each year by his conference. He reports that the book being studied for next year’s competition is 2 Chronicles, chapters 10–36.
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