Mountain View Church Evangelizes in City Park
By Michael W. Koch
The Point Pleasant (W.Va.) church recently held a three-week, end-time seminar at the city’s Krodel Park. The event was a joint effort of the Mountain View Conference and the North American Division’s “Share Him” outreach program.
It was unique in that two power packed meetings were held everyday. David Morgan, pastor of the Point Pleasant and Huntington (W.Va.) churches, spoke at 11:00 a.m.; and Peggy Koch, a member of the Conference’s Charleston (W.Va.) church, was the 7:00 p.m. speaker. Both expounded on the same subject each day as the goal was to reach people during the day that otherwise would not be able to attend in the evening.
The seminar kicked off with over 50 in attendance. The opening weekend’s two exciting topics were: Ancient Middle East Prophecies and Why So Much Suffering.
As the meetings continued, Pastor David preached to about 10 to 15 attendees each day and Koch shared with an average of 30 people each evening. Koch, a 62 year old grandmother of 16 and great grandmother of three, felt compelled to share the love of Jesus with others. “If God can make a donkey speak as He did in Numbers 22, surely He can speak through me,” she said. “I am amazed that people kept coming back to the meetings day after day, week after week. It certainly wasn’t me, it was the Holy Spirit bringing them back. If I can do it, anyone can do it!”
By the end of the meetings, at least 12 individuals indicated an interest in baptism, with three scheduled for the near future.

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