Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

HVA's music students create the "River Jordan" music video.

Highland View Academy Music Students ‘Sing to the World’

Story by Lori Zerne

For several years, David Niño, the Chesapeake Conference Highland View Academy’s (HVA) music director, has pondered how to share with the rest of the world what he and his students do in the classroom.

Traditionally, the music curriculum emphasizes music standards that focus on students’ artistic, cognitive, creative and spiritual aspects. While the goal is always to provide a sound educational program, HVA also generates valuable opportunities for students to make an impact on the lives of others.

Throughout the school year, music students visit several schools and churches in the area. They share with the community what they have learned, and experience music’s ability to inspire audiences and performers.

However, as the school year comes to a close, the only thing to show for their hard work is good memories. Niño was convinced that with the use of media resources, the Music Department could not only preserve the good memories of their achievements throughout the year, but could also keep these music performances “alive” and share them with the world in a video project titled Sing to the World.

“While this idea sounds a little ambitious, one cannot deny the power of media and the impact it can make on an audience behind a screen,” Niño says.

To film, they hired One Creative Studio and collaborated with local authorities who granted them permission to film at the Harpers Ferry Historical National Park (W.Va.).

They were instructed to not make loud noises, so the film crew and students worked hard to create the “River Jordan” music video, one song included in their video project. Without causing too many distractions to visitors and tourists, passersby still could not resist watching the musicians as they worked on the project.

At the end of the day, the group answered some questions from curious tourists and shared with them about the school and its mission. Niño says, “Quality music should primarily serve to proclaim the gospel to the world.” This project allows HVA’s Music Department to do just that.

To view the video project, visit

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