Be Thankful
Editorial by Victor Zill
How often do you contemplate the blessings in your life? I firmly believe that focusing on the blessings God has given us—both individually and as a church—helps keep our priorities straight and our attitudes correctly tuned. Even if problems and tragedies run into us like a Mack Truck, with God on our side, there are plenty of things to celebrate.
According to my very unscientific anecdotal non-study of people, I have encountered that those who are focused on the positive tend to be happier in life, have more friends and influence more people. On the other hand, people who choose to allow their thoughts to drift into negative territory swim through life as if a sea anchor was attached to their waist.
As a church, God has blessed us in so many ways. First and foremost, He loves us, wants to save each one of us, is preparing heaven for us and has given us a message to share with the world. When God is on our side, all things are possible. We have a passionate membership that proves repeatedly their faithfulness in finances, in volunteering for ministry and their dedication to making the gospel mission move forward. I am very thankful for each church member, and, despite our imperfections, God wants to use each one of us to accomplish His goals. As we approach the end of 2018, let us praise God for the way He has blessed us, and find ways to share His love with those around us.
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