Celebrate World Refugee Sabbath
Story by Kimi-Roux James
On June 16, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), the humanitarian arm for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, will commemorate World Refugee Sabbath.
ADRA works with refugees in 39 countries providing food, clean water, hygiene kits and shelter and offers livelihood and education trainings to help refugees sustain their nutrition and generate income. It recently undertook a new project to send letters on behalf of refugees in dire distress to local lawmakers.
In preparation for World Refugee Sabbath, ADRA and the Sligo church in Takoma Park, Md., will host on Sunday, May 20, a community event (1-3 p.m.) featuring local organizations who serve refugees, and a panel discussion with elected officials and representatives. There will also be a free film screening (3-5:30 p.m.) of “Human Flow.” This documentary covers the lives of refugees in 23 countries and their epic one-year journey.
ADRA will host a weeklong prayer campaign for refugees June 11-15. To participate and find other ways to help, visit adra.org/refugees.
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