Officers Re-elected at Chesapeake Conference Constituency Session
Story by Samantha Young / Photos by Andre Hastick
At the Fourth Quinquennial Constituency Session of the Chesapeake Conference, held on Sunday, May 21, at the Spencerville church in Silver Spring, Md., a quorum of the 327 regular delegates and 227 delegates-at-large met to elect officers for the 2017-2021 quinquennial term and conduct church business. Rick Remmers, president; Eduardo Muñoz, treasurer; and Jerry Lutz, executive secretary were re-elected.
There was some debate as delegates considered amendments to bylaws and they paused to pray in groups of two for God’s leading in the decision process.
"It is a privilege to be able to serve the Lord and His people. I’m grateful for God’s guidance and blessings in the outreach and ministry that has taken place over the past five years. Yet there is a great work yet to be done for those who live in the Chesapeake territory and beyond,” says Remmers. “I solicit the prayers and service of all our members as we join together in sharing the great hope we have in Jesus.”
Three new Maryland churches—Dundalk Spanish, Hagerstown Spanish and Columbia Spanish—were accepted into the sisterhood of churches. Church growth has been steady, averaging 377 new members each year, and the conference topped 15,000 members in 2016.
The finances of the Chesapeake Conference remained in a steady and healthy condition over the past quinquennium, says Muñoz. “The faithfulness of our members is key to our strength and success. Faithfulness to God leads to great blessings, and we hope that our Lord will continue to bless and guide us to fulfill the mission and vision of the Chesapeake Conference.”
The past five years reflect an expanded emphasis on mission and evangelism with a goal of engaging members in outreach both at home and in other countries. These endeavors have included construction and evangelistic trips to Cuba, Colombia, India, Panama and others. “Sharing the Hope” is the focus for the next five years.
“It was inspiring to see how God’s people worked together today for the advancement of His Kingdom in our Conference,” says Lutz. “I can’t wait to see what blessings He has in store for us in this new quinquennium. Maranatha!”
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