Executive Committee to Process Priorities for the Next Five Years
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee members gathered today for their first meeting after the 27th Constituency Session in May. In her devotional, Ella Simmons, the first female vice president at the General Conference and a Columbia Union member, asked what was important to the church at this point and reminded them that, “ordinary people can have extraordinary results.”
Celeste Ryan-Blyden, vice president for Strategic Communication and Public Relations, announced that the committee will begin a three-part process to create the union’s mission, values and priorities for the next five years. She facilitated the first part of the process by sharing videos, handouts and three questions: “Who are we? Where are going? Where have we been?” Leaders will soon send the group a survey to evaluate challenges and opportunities and seek input about what the union should prioritize over the next five years.
In his president’s report, Dave Weigley (pictured) announced that the Columbia Union is home to 10 of the largest cities in the United States, and he would like to host a special summit to discuss the unique issues prevalent in cities today. Members will evaluate a proposal and plan further at the next meeting in November.
Committee members also affirmed the appointments of Jacqueline Messenger as an associate director for secondary education and Tiffany Brown as the director of the REACH Columbia Union Urban Evangelism School in Philadelphia. They also voted to reappoint several Columbia Union staff members to their current positions.
Members also voted to approve Milton Brown as a lay representative from Allegheny East Conference, and approved a slate of names for the 2016-2021 Columbia Union Board of Education.
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