Grace Outlet Members Stage an “Extreme Makeover” Party
Instead of their typical social activities Grace Outlet's party planning team 'partied' by helping a family in need.
Story by Amy Newman
When a church social team gets together to plan the year’s activities, typical ideas include game night, a picnic at the local park, a skating party, or a banquet—all fun ideas. But the party planning team for Pennsylvania Conference’s Grace Outlet church in Reading recently had a different idea.
Meggan Shobe, a party planner, recently came to her teammates with a heartache. Her best friend was in the middle of turmoil, in more ways than one, and needed a home for herself and her three children. Fortunately, Shobe knew of a place available. Unfortunately, the place was in rough shape: walls needed painting, floors needed replacing and the bathrooms and kitchen needed full repair.
Without hesitation, the Grace Outlet team decided that they would do an “Extreme Makeover: Grace Outlet Edition” for their February social event. Families were invited to come out and clean, paint, donate, spackle, hammer and do whatever they felt impressed to do for this family in need.
About 20 people showed up! It was a team effort, all for Jesus! The team varied over a five-hour period. But one common goal prevailed “connecting the disconnected” as a way of fulfilling their motto. Shobe’s friend came to help clean for a period of time. She was so grateful for the sacrifice and time people gave to her family who did not even know her. She could not believe how kind, how caring, how unselfish these strangers were.
This church social didn’t feature music or a table of food. “But there definitely was a party going on,” one team member shared. “Jesus was right at the center. If our team could have seen Him, I’m sure Jesus would have had a paintbrush in His hand and been drawing a great big heart on the wall. You see, Jesus is about people. He is about relationships. He is about reaching people in all different ways because He loves us and wants us home. And so, whatever the idea, whatever outside the box thought comes next, Grace Outlet continues to ‘Connect the Disconnected’ and hopes that you will desire to do that, too.”
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