Valley Vista to Host Camp Meeting
Story by Liz Bailey
The first weekend will feature S. Joseph Kidder, professor of Pastoral Theology and Discipleship at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (Mich.). Kidder, born in biblical Nineveh (today’s Iraq), joined the Department of Christian Ministry in 2000, quickly establishing himself as a highly respected professor and voluminous writer specializing in the areas of church and spiritual growth, evangelism and pastoral leadership.
The second weekend speaker is Carlton Bryd, president of the Southwest Region Conference (Texas) and interim pastor of the Fondren church. Previously, he was the speaker/ director of the Breath of Life Television Ministry, a responsibility he held for 11 years.
Mark Anthony, who will be holding culinary classes Monday– Friday from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. in the main pavilion, spent 25 years catering to celebrities in Las Vegas, Nevada. After surrendering his life to Christ, God put him on a mission of motivating people through cooking, health and nutrition.
He is known for his TV appearances on 3ABN, Hope Channel, and LLBN. His current TV program, The Whole Message, is in its 10th season. For the past two years, he has served as president of The Black Hills Health and Education Center (South Dakota).
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