New Jersey Conference Celebrates 100 Sabbaths of Victories
Story by Cinthia Portonova
“Acts 2:47 says, ‘and the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved’ (NKJV)”, states Jorge Aguero, president of the New Jersey Conference. “The Lord not only added to the early church then, but He is still doing so today.”
For 100 consecutive Sabbaths in the NJC, constituents witnessed the Lord’s blessing on His church through baptism. From October 2020 to August 27, 2022, pastors and lay pastors baptized members every single Sabbath—totaling 2,600 new members.
“We have called this miracle, the ‘100 Sabbaths of Victories,’ says Aguero. “The pandemic closed our temples but not our mission. To God be the glory!”
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