December 14, 2021: God Chose You!
“But now listen, Jacob, my servant, Israel, whom I have chosen” (Isa. 44:1, NIV).
You can be the one through whom God changes the course of the world. Through the annals of time, shining examples of people were used by God for that exact purpose. David was a young shepherd when he faced Goliath. Jeremiah was about 20 years old when he accepted God’s call to be His voice. Esther was a woman in a foreign land when she saved her people. Martin Luther was a young adult when he started the Protestant Reformation. God called William Miller, a 50-year-old farmer, to proclaim the Advent message to the world. Not long after, Ellen White, at the age of 17, received her first vision. They each heeded the call and obeyed the commission to shine as bright lights during periods of darkness.
Today, the same voice that spoke to Isaiah can be heard saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” (Isa. 6:8, NIV). The Holy Spirit wants us to occupy a special place in the history of redemption.
We live in a world that carries the virus called evil: the horror of terrorism evidenced in suicide attacks, the war in the Middle East, racial tension and homicides recorded in real-time.
Today, what is desperately needed is a generation of disciples who will commit to engage in interpersonal relationships. In this way, as Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we will have a resounding and far-reaching impact on the world. We must decide to make a positive change in our circles of influence. When we do, God will work in us and through us so that the reflection of Jesus will become a daily experience on this earth.
Lord, when You call, may we answer. Amen.
Javier Moreno is the pastor of the Baltimore Spanish church in Maryland.