September 18, 2021: More Than Enough
“And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness’” (2 Cor. 12:9, NKJV).
Some years back, I was tasked with a responsibility of which I felt ill-prepared. The only reason I took it was because I knew that God put me there in the first place, and I didn’t dare walk away!
I was scared to death to take on this task. There were important things for which I would be responsible, dealing with people that I didn’t know and systems that I didn’t understand. I felt like Moses when God told him to go back to Egypt and deal with Pharaoh to deliver the Israelites.
As I began to put this whole new journey daily at His feet, I began to throw all of my other things there as well. I’ve always trusted God, but this was in a whole new way. The more I gave Him, the more he showed me how dependent I was upon Him and how much He could do for me. As I began to acclimate to this elevated way of living, I felt wonderful as I watched God intercede for me daily. Sometimes I got comfortable and would relax a bit, then would get blindsided by something I never saw coming! In those moments, I felt I had to start all over. Me and God. But it was during these times, when I was at my worst, that He showed me how awesome He was.
When you feel you aren’t good enough, smart enough or just enough, know that this is when God is getting ready to show up big time, and you’ll be more than enough for whatever the situation.
Thank You, Lord, for showing up big time in my life. Amen.
Valerie W. Green is the principal of Worthington Adventist Academy in Ohio.