September 17, 2021: Through it All
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Rom. 8:18, ESV).
This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible because of the comfort it has brought me. In my life, I have struggled with mental health issues. These struggles can vary from mild anxiety and discomfort to full-on breakdowns and fearing for what the future holds. Will I ever get better? Will this ever go away? How can I possibly cope with these fears? These are the questions that swarm my mind during these hopeless periods in my life.
For someone who doesn’t struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder, these thoughts and worries, as disturbing as they seem, can be shrugged off, often without a second thought. But for someone like me, they can seem unbearable and unavoidable. This verse comforts me, because Paul is basically saying, “Hey you! I know these times seem hard, and I know you may feel like giving up. But God has a plan for you, and the glory that he has firmly planted in your future is so wonderful that these bad times don’t even hold a candle to it!”
This is coming from a man who was shipwrecked, thrown in prison and persecuted throughout his life. And he overcame, even when all seemed hopeless. That is comforting to me.
God loves every single person on earth. He is always in control, including the times that seem to be out of control. When all seems hopeless, He holds us in His loving hands through it all.
Thank You, God, for being such a good and loving Father. Amen.
Robert Air is a pseudonym for this member from the Spencerville church in Maryland.