Serving the Community during Challenging Times
Reflections from throughout Adventist HealthCare on providing care during COIVD-19
Stephanie Grant, Managing Chaplain
Shady Grove Medical Center
Stephanie Grant’s team has faced new challenges and increased demands to provide spiritual care to patients, families and hospital staff during the pandemic.
With no visitors allowed in the hospital, the pastoral care group has become the bridge between hospitalized patients and their families. They have turned to phone calls, text messages and other means to keep patients and families connected and offer spiritual and emotional support.
Grant says knowing that everyone is in this together is a source of strength, along with her faith. “My relationship with God gives me everything I need to walk through this and not be afraid.”
Richard Samuel, MD, Physician
Urgent Care
In more than 30 years of practice, Dr. Samuel says this pandemic is the most challenging time of his career. People who come for testing are terrified, no matter what symptoms they have.
Part of his role is to communicate test results and offer guidance on next steps. Dr. Samuel puts the Adventist HealthCare values into action, providing compassion and reassurance with each conversation.
While facing potential exposure to the coronavirus each day, Dr. Samuel says his faith has become stronger during this time. “God has given me this responsibility. It’s not about me, but the people I take care of and serve.”
Jordan Roddy, Director of Ancillary Services Fort Washington Medical Center
When the state of Maryland asked Fort Washington Medical Center to pilot the state’s first “surge tent” for the expected influx of COVID-19 patients, Jordan Roddy welcomed the opportunity.
Roddy recognizes God’s hand in this challenge. His mission work setting up field hospitals in South America, the South Pacific and Africa had uniquely prepared him.
His responsibilities during the pandemic mean long, tiring days. But he has learned to lean on others for support — especially his family, his team and the community. “We’ve had an outpouring of support.
I’m so proud of Adventist HealthCare’s commitment to serving these patients.”
Vania Baioni, RN, Forensic Nurse Examiner
Shady Grove Medical Center
As a nurse for 28 years, Vania Baioni is a hugger. Social distancing has been a challenge.
In her forensic nurse role, Vania sees victims of abuse every day. “Unfortunately, being quarantined has not been kind to the women and children that live with their abusers,” she says. She meets with another nurse to read the Bible and pray together before each shift.
Vania has reached out to help her native country of Brazil. With the support of other nurses in the Forensic Unit, they donated over $1,000 to provide personal protective equipment for nurses in Aracaju, Brazil.
Arturo Albino, RN, Charge Nurse, COVID-19 Unit
White Oak Medical Center
After 22 years as a bedside nurse, Arturo Albino had been asking himself why he is still in the same role. “God is answering my question. He prepared me for this time. It is my calling,” he says.
Arturo’s 32-bed unit is designated for COVID-19 patients. As a charge nurse, he helps staff manage their stress and frustration.
After the panic and fear that came with receiving the first COVID-19 patients, he now admires the atmosphere of calm among his coworkers. “Our patients are separated from family, friends and church. We can be their family while they are in the hospital.
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