Kettering College’s $2.7 Million Renovation on IPE Simulation Center Complete
Story by Lauren Brooks
Kettering College recently completed its $2.7 million renovation on the Interprofessional Education (IPE) Simulation Center.
In January, members of Kettering College’s board, Kettering Adventist HealthCare executive leadership, Kettering College faculty and staff, and some students were all in attendance for the ribbon cutting.
“This isn’t just a space for our nursing students,” said, Nate Brandstater, Kettering College President. “It’s a technologically-advanced educational space for Kettering Adventist HealthCare learners and beyond, that’s second to none.”
The $2.7 million project was funded by the Kettering Adventist HealthCare Strategic 2019 capital funds according to Nicholas Henson, director of finance and administration. “The vision of Kettering Adventist Healthcare is to be the leader in transforming the healthcare experience,” Henson said. “The IPE Simulation Center allows students to discover the best practices in a multi-disciplinary environment, resulting in our students delivering healthcare in a collaborative approach that is industry leading.”
The first phase of this renovation was completed in August of 2019, which included the addition of a preparation room, additional space and workstations in the control room. The second phase, which was just completed, included 10 client care beds—one of which mirrors a labor and delivery/postpartum setting, a pediatric patient room, a nursing station, a classroom, a conference room and a faculty work room.
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