A Son’s Prayers Answered
Story by Tamyra Horst
Barbara Spessard has been intermittently around Seventh-day Adventists for most of her life. Her in-laws, Roy and Mabel Hade, shared biblical truths from an Adventist’s perspective nearly 50 years ago. Velora Gunder, a member of the Pennsylvania Conference's Waynesboro church, shared Bible studies with Spessard a number of years ago. More recently, Chris Trent, a Bible instructor for the Waynesboro church, studied with her. She attended Sabbath vespers and Sabbath School.
When Tony Hade, Roy and Mabel’s grandson, got baptized, Spessard attended her son’s baptism at the Albemarle (N.C.) church and found Adventists to be friendly people. Tony joined the Adventist Church at age 38. Although he prayed that his mother would become an Adventist throughout his Christian life, it was not until last year that his prayers intensified, as he added her name to an “Operation Andrew” card that a Bible instructor provided.
Tony prayed faithfully for 15 years, along with his grandparents. This year Tony saw God answer those prayers, as Spessard became a member of the Waynesboro church through baptism.
“I feel like Jesus was by my side, and He was there for me!” Spessard told her pastor Preston Monterrey. “I have learned about the Bible with Adventists more than what I have learned all my Christian life combined.”
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