October 22, 2021: A Refuge in My Distress
“But as for me, I will sing of Your strength; Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your faithfulness in the morning, for You have been my refuge and a place of refuge on the day of my distress” (Ps. 59:16, NASB).
This verse outlines the many problems, mountainous difficulties, troubling times and numerous enemies that were surrounding David on every side. David opened up his heart to the Lord, and his urgent prayer for help and deliverance poured forth unabated. This surrender of heart has also worked in my life.
At school, we have a skiing program. The most important rule is to never leave a friend alone. One time, my skiing partner, Naomi, and I decided to ski down a slope called the Mack Attack. Although I didn’t want to go, she did. I couldn’t let her go alone, so I accompanied her.
As we got off the ski lift and looked at the slope, we realized it was a bit different, a bit scarier, than we expected. “We got this, Naomi! Remember God’s with us!” I said.
On my way down, I tried to maneuver around a large patch of ice I saw at the last moment. I slipped on the ice and started rolling down the slope. One ski fell off. Pop! Then the other. Pop! As I continued to roll, I closed my eyes and prayed, “God, please don’t let me get injured. Please put Your hand over me and protect me.”
God protected me that day. He was “a place of refuge on the day of my distress.” He promises to protect you too.
God, please help us to understand that, through it all, You are the One who’s always by our side. Amen.
Leslie DeArevalo is an eighth-grader at the Manassas Adventist Preparatory School in Virginia.
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