A Passion for Mission
Editorial by Dave Weigley
It’s hard to believe that we’ve been living through a global pandemic for more than a year. Our hearts ache for the many lives lost and families impacted. Sadly, our world continues to witness the scourge of wars, terrorism, racial strife, economic stress and extreme weather.
While contemplating the news headlines of our day, I was reminded of Jesus’ sermon on the Mount of Olives, where he spoke on one of the greatest prophetic messages. Found in Matthew 24, Jesus shared a twofold prophecy: the fall of Jerusalem and the end of the world. He pulled back the curtain and revealed signs of His second coming: “For nation will rise against nation. ... There will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places” (NKJV, v. 7). “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (v. 12).
Then Jesus pivoted to talk about you and me and our role in the story: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (v. 14).
Since the time I caught the passion for witnessing when I was a young adult leading a summer evangelism program, my life’s work and mission has been to help fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission. The message of Jesus in Matthew 24 that made an impact on me then is even more relevant today. Like you, I remain committed to Jesus’ vision of taking this gospel to every nation and realizing the return of Jesus to this earth and an end to the pandemic of sin.
Five years ago, at the close of our constituency meeting, we introduced a theme inviting members and leaders to “Share the Light, Share the Hope.” In this issue of the Visitor, we highlight some of the ways our team has come alongside our conferences, ministries, leaders and members who accepted this clarion call to experience the mission. I am encouraged to see the passion and zeal across our union—from young adult literature evangelists to seniors sewing masks for frontline workers to pastors using social media to spread the gospel. By working together—and despite the pandemic—we welcomed more than 22,000 new members into our family. Praise the Lord!
As we gather to celebrate God’s blessings at the 28th Columbia Union Conference Constituency Meeting on May 22–23, our theme will be “Share the Word.” This theme highlights our special emphasis on the Year of the Bible and our continued commitment to witness to the world that Jesus is coming soon.
Read these articles from the issue:
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