Columbia Union Celebrates Five Years of Ministry, Hosts 28th Constituency Meeting Virtually
On May 22–23, the Columbia Union Conference hosted its 28th quinquennial constituency meeting. Due to the pandemic and social distancing measures that continue around the union eight-state territory, the two-day meeting was held virtually.
"Share the Word," the theme for the meeting, tied into the Columbia Union’s yearlong emphasis on the Bible and focused on ways the union inspired members to study, live and share God's Word.
The Saturday evening program featured one story from each of the union’s eight conferences, including the Allegheny East Conference’s Capitol Hill Counseling and Resource Center; Mountain View Conference’s Parkersburg Adventist Academy; and New Jersey Conference’s Grace Place Church Plant.
Delegates saw video stories, testimonies and live interviews with conference presidents, pastors and church members who have found creative ways to grow their churches and reach their communities, some with funding support from the union.
“We often hear about the wonderful work happening in other parts of the world, but this was an opportunity to highlight the wonderful ways members, pastors, educators, leaders and students across the Columbia Union are experiencing the mission and making impact right here in our communities,” says Celeste Ryan Blyden, the union’s vice president for Strategic Communication, who produced the program with members of her team. “It’s so inspiring to see the creative yet practical ways people are sharing Christ’s message of hope and wholeness.”
"It was so good to see what God is doing around the Columbia Union. Keep up the good work," shares delegate Greg Carlson, pastor of Chesapeake Conference's Park church in Salisbury, Md.
On Sunday morning, delegates also heard reports from the presidents of the union’s entities and ministries, including Adventist HealthCare, Kettering Health, Washington Adventist University and WGTS 91.9—the union's radio ministry.
Watch the Videos From the Constituency Meeting
- Watch the 2016-2021 President’s Video Report
- Watch the 2016-2021 Executive Secretary’s Video Report
- Watch the 2016-2021 Treasurer’s Video Report
- Watch the 2016-2021 May 22 and May 23 meeting archives
- Watch the Adventist HealthCare Report
- Watch the Kettering Health Report
- Watch the Washington Adventist University Report
- Watch the WGTS Report
- Columbia Union Delegates Re-Elect President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer
- VIDEO:Grace Place Becomes Official Church
- VIDEO: Parkersburg Academy Offers Out of Box Educational Experience
- Union Delegates Elect New Columbia Union Vice President and General Counsel
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