Kelly Butler Coe Promoted to Associate Director of Communication
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Pick up an issue of the Visitor magazine, and you’ll find her imprint all over it. Open a program for any Columbia Union Conference event, and you’ll feel her style. Browse columbiaunion.org, and you’ll see her meticulous attention to detail.
Kelly Butler Coe, art director and graphic designer for the Visitor at the Columbia Union, has been an assistant director of Communication since 2000. Today she was promoted to associate director during the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee meeting.
“I’m really thankful to count her as a trusted colleague,” says Celeste Ryan Blyden, vice president for Strategic Communication and Public Relations. Along with her design and art direction duties, Coe helps to manage various projects, including this year’s Visitor anniversary 5K, promotion of the union’s 2021 Year of the Bible initiative and the annual union calendar. “Our prayer is that God will continue to bless Kelly’s service and dedication to excellence,” adds Blyden.
Read these articles from the September/October 2020 Visitor:
- Editorial: Addressing the Racism Virus
- Feature: We Don't Want Normal
- Adventist Educators Ready to Tackle Unique School Year
- Educated by the Coronavirus
- Donde Estamos? Racismo el la Iglesia
- Graduates Honored With Caring Heart Award
- Où sommes-nous? Le racisme dans l'église?
- Where are We? Racism in the Church
Congratulations, Kelly! Always appreciate your creativity, optimism and dedication to His mission!
Kelly Coe promotion
Our family is blessed each month with the beautiful work Kelly puts into each issue of the Visitor magazine! Her precision and attention to detail shines through in her work. So happy that she has been acknowledged for her years of dedication to the Visitor and the Columbia Union with this much deserved promotion!
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