Top 10 Visitor News Stories of 2020
In a year filled with natural disasters, a pandemic and sadness over racial injustice, Columbia Union Conference members and others who visited columbiaunionvisitor.com clung to hope, at least in their article selections.
Here are the top 10 most read 2020 news stories on columbiaunionvisitor.com in 2020:
10. Pottinger Retires, Celebrates 50 Years of Ministry
Leonel Pottinger, the ministerial director for the New Jersey Conference (NJC), recently retired after nearly 50 years of selfless ministry.
9. Healthy 2020 Tips from the Visitor Magazine
The 2020 Columbia Union Calendar offers monthly inspiration to live a healthier 2020. It will be mailed to members across the union in December.
8. How the Visitor Reported the 1918-1920 Pandemic
Columbia Union Visitor archives from 1918-1920 provide a snapshot of life and ministry for members of the fledgling Columbia Union Conference, which was only in its 11th year at the onset of the “Spanish Influenza Pandemic.” During a deadly two-year period, some 50 million people perished globally, including 675,000 in the United States. Conference and school reports in the weekly, eight-page Visitor noted its impact on members, ministry, frontline workers and the community at large.
7. Beans for Breakfast (The January/February Feature)
Turkey bacon, eggs, cold cereal, cheese, lots of bread and pizza were common ingredients in Jennifer Engelkemier’s daily menu. But since attending Mountain View Conference’s (MVC) Wellness Camp last summer, she’s traded in some of her old breakfast favorites, including turkey bacon, for beans.
6. A Statement from the Columbia Union Conference President’s Council: A Call for Justice, Prayer and Peace
5. Adventist HealthCare and Howard University Hospital Sign Management Services Agreement
4. Columbia Union Adventist Entities Respond to the Coronavirus
As national and local government and health agencies continue to monitor the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), church leaders in the Columbia Union Conference are evaluating how to best support members, employees and students through this crisis.
3. Columbia Union Designates Special Day of Prayer Sabbath, March 28
Leaders of the Columbia Union Conference and its eight local conferences, health care networks and higher educational institutions are asking members to participate in a special day of prayer, Sabbath, March 28.
2. 2021 ‘Year of the Bible’ Devotional Book Call for Submissions & Guidelines
What is your favorite Bible verse, and how has it impacted your life?
1. Fun Facts About the Psalms by Rob Vandeman
Though not posted in 2020, this was the most read article of the year!
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