Join Us For a Virtual Sabbath Hike, April 10
Join Naturalist John Henri Rorabeck on a virtual walk this Sabbath at around 1:30 p.m. Weather permitting, he'll take us on a tour (via Instagram stories) of part of Patapsco State Park in Maryland.
He'll guide us on a nature walk full of examples of God's creativity and care. Follow the Columbia Union Visitor on Instagram at instagram.com/columbiaunionvisitor.
Email any questions you have for Rorabeck to visitor@columbiaunion.net or DM us on Instagram and he'll answer them on Sabbath.
Read and share these articles from the March/April 2021Visitor:
- Editorial: Make Me a Steward
- For the Beauty of the Earth
- Adventist Schools Help Students Develop Green Habits for the Future
- Pennsylvania Teacher Encourages Nature Appreciation Through Podcast, Classes
- Take a Hike This Sabbath
Take the Greener Earth Challenge - Association of Adventist Women Presents Weigley a Champion of Justice Award
- Download the Columbia Union App for This Month's Year of the Bible Devotionals
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