Connected to the Mission
Editorial by Jorge Aquero
In the context of the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:16–20, there are very specific details of why the disciples of Jesus must now be connected to His mission. According to the biblical passage, the following points stand out:
1. Jesus’ disciples obey and go to where the Lord commands them—Galilee (Matt. 28:16). Today’s disciples must also obey and go to the mission fields where God indicates.
2. Jesus’ disciples recognize Him as their God and worship Him (Matt. 28:17). The only one who must be worshipped is God (Matt. 4:9–10). Obedience to God is an act of worship. The fulfillment of the mission that God commands is in the context of worship. It cannot be said that Jesus is our God unless His order is obeyed and His mission fulfilled.
3. The One who gives the command has the authority and power to demand that the order be carried out (Matt. 28:18).
4. The mission of Jesus is not optional. And it is specific: “Go and make disciples” (Matt. 28:19).
5. Jesus’ companionship in fulfilling the mission is a promise to the end (Matt. 28:20).
The true disciple of Jesus obeys Him, recognizes Him as God and is connected to His mission until the end of time. Get connected to the mission!
Jorge Aguero serves as president of the New Jersey Conference.
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