Collect the Columbia Union Conference 2019 Chosen International Pathfinder Camporee Pins
Story by Ricardo Bacchus
Columbia Union Conference Pathfinders eager to trade pins at the upcoming 2019 Chosen International Pathfinder Camporee in Oshkosh, Wisc., August 12–17, will soon have one more option to share. The Columbia Union has created a set of nine pins, available to each Columbia Union Pathfinder.
Each set will contain one large Columbia Union pin and eight conference pins that depict a different scene from King David’s life. These local, separate pins are not complete in themselves but are part of a bigger whole, says Frank Bondurant, vice president for Ministries Development at the union.
“I hope all Columbia Union Pathfinders will take away the sense that they belong to a strong and diverse and united family of God, where they have a place, are valued and can make a contribution,” adds Bondurant.
The set is the second international camporee pins designed by Jennifer Pomales, Ohio Conference Associate Director Pathfinder/Adventurer Ministries, and her daughter, Cecilia Grizzell.
"Our pins tell the story of David, a young shepherd, being chosen by God and having complete faith in God through the challenges of battle," says Pomales. "It is our hope that pathfinders go away from this event with more passion for Christ than ever."
The union has subsidized the cost of the pin set. Additional pins and sets are available through local conference youth directors.
“I would like our Pathfinders to understand whereas each conference has its own strengths, that we are stronger together than any of us alone. That we need each other, and [that we] most fully represent God when we work together,” says Bondurant.
Click here for information on purchasing a set.
Read articles from the October 2019 Visitor:
- Adventist HealthCare White Oak Medical Center Celebrates Grand Opening
- 7,000 Columbia Union Pathfinders Attend International Pathfinder Camporee
- Pathfinders Take Over Visitor Instagram During #2019Chosen
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