Adventist Mission Launches First Teen Mission Film Contest
Story by Kayla Ewert
Following the popular My Story, My Mission film contest for college students comes the #FollowHim film contest exclusively for young people aged 18 years old and younger. Adventist Mission invites youth around the world to creatively express, in one minute or less, what it means to follow Christ in a mission-focused life.
This contest is for youth who meet the age requirements and self-identify as Adventist or attend Adventist-affiliated schools. To ensure eligibility, entrants are asked to refer to the entry rules. Films must be submitted online at AdventistMission.org/FollowHim by March 31, 2019.
The contest was featured in August at the NAD Teacher’s Convention in Chicago, Illinois. Young filmmakers have several months to create their masterpieces. The entries will be placed on the Adventist Mission website and social media for public voting in April 2019.
The first-place winner can look forward to honing his or her filmmaking skills with a Canon M100 Mirrorless Camera with lens. The winner’s mentor of choice (teacher, pastor, etc.) will receive a 1-year online learning subscription to either MasterClass or Skillshare.
The second-place prize is a LitraPro Bi-Color Light, and the third-place prize is a Langly Simple Camera Bag.
The Office of Adventist Mission is part of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and serves to inspire Adventists.
Kayla Ewert is Communication Projects Manager at Adventist Mission.
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