Columbia Union Executive Committee Re-Appoints Employees
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
During the September 15 Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee meeting, members voted to re-appoint eight Columbia Union staff members to their current positions. They also appointed Tabita Martinez as undertreasurer beginning February 1, 2017, when Carol Wright retires. Following the death of Visitor editor, Beth Michaels in June, Celeste Ryan-Blyden will reassume Visitor editor responsibilities.
- Emmanuel Asiedu, Columbia Union associate treasurer and Columbia Union Revolving Fund secretary/treasurer
- Ileana Espinosa, associate director for elementary education
- Harold Greene, director, Information Technology
- Greg Iverson, associate director, Information Technology
- Tabita Martinez, associate treasurer and as under-treasurer beginning February 1, 2017
- Celeste Ryan-Blyden, editor and publisher of the VIsitor
- Evelyn Sullivan, associate director for early childhood education
- Carol Wright, undertreasurer
“These individuals are uniquely qualified, extremely committed and highly competent servant-leaders that bring their expertise to bear in numerous ways to enable the organizations within the union to function at a high level," says Rob Vandeman, executive secretary.
During the same meeting, the Committee affirmed the appointments of two new associate directors to fill vacancies left by Hamlet Canosa and Tara VinCross. Jacqueline Messenger, who has served as Chesapeake Conference’s education superintendent for the last three years, will serve as associate director for secondary education. Pastor Tiffany Brown, who most recently served as director of the Pennsylvania Youth Challenge, will serve as director of the REACH Columbia Union Urban Evangelism School and associate director of the ministries development department.
Feature photo: Columbia Union Executive Committee re-apppoints eight employees, and two new employees: Back: Emmanuel Asiedu, Celeste Ryan-Blyden, Harold Greene, (front) Carol Wright, Tabita Martinez, Ileana Espinosa, Evelyn Sullivan and Tiffany Brown (Jacqueline Messenger and Greg Iverson not pictured)
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